Macquarie: Global nickel market supply will decline by 6 % in 2016.5%

Daily trade 本站 2016-03-31 252

Macquarie said in its latest report that despite the weak demand in the nickel market, the global market will shift from the oversupply of recent years to a shortage, the bank expects2016Global nickel market supply will decline year on year6.5%2015The annual supply has decreased2%。The upward trend of nickel prices will be hindered by large inventories, but Macquarie is still optimistic that nickel prices will not only linger in the current price range, so the bank is only optimistic2016The annual average nickel price forecast has been revised down slightly0.9%9913美元/吨。维持2016First quarter of the year8650美元/The estimate of tons,201712000美元/Estimated average price of tons。The bank's judgment on the sharp reduction in the supply of nickel in the market is mainly based on the current nickel price making the world70%If nickel prices do not improve, nickel producers in Australia and New Slovakia will be shut down, only to stop productionQNIThe fate of nickel-iron production in Asia and Europe, excluding China, is also threatened by the current low prices。Macquarie expects2015Annual supply and market inventory sum in85Ten thousand tons, about enough for global consumption23Last week, the figure was more than half the normal level。Demand side is also not optimistic, expected2016In the first quarter of this year, China's stainless steel production will decline year-on-year7%The main reason is poor exports, weak domestic demand, and the fact that China has suffered from anti-dumping by several countries will continue to severely frustrate China's stainless steel export market this year。